On June 13, DC Health announced a heavily revised Guidance for Schools and Childcare Facilities which now emphasizes a recommended set of “everyday prevention measures” which are to be used as baseline standards regardless of COVID-19 community-level transmission. School for Friends will be following these everyday prevention measures in full, including requiring COVID vaccination for all eligible, as it is our practice to consistently apply DC Health recommendations for the health and safety of our children, faculty, and families.
Please read the full list of everyday prevention measures here, which now constitute the core of our covid protocols, and continue reading for more specifics on COVID-19 vaccination for children under five as well as a significant update on our quarantine policy:
COVID-19 vaccination
Staying home when sick
COVID-19 diagnostic testing
Isolation (for symptomatic or COVID-19-positive people)
Hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette
Optimizing indoor ventilation and air quality
Cleaning and disinfection
Vaccination: School for Friends required COVID vaccinations for all eligible. As an everyday prevention measure, adhering to this DC Health recommendation will help keep our preschool students safe and healthy.
DC Health’s recent announcement now directs us to follow CDC for guidance on quarantine specifics, rather than their own earlier guidelines. CDC’s Guidance For Schools and Childcare Programs. Per CDC, students who have been deemed close contacts, have displayed no COVID symptoms, and have not tested positive, will be eligible to continually attend school. Should your child be a close contact, we will be in communication with your family to review your child’s timeline and our policy specifics.