
Parent involvement is integral to the program and operation of School for Friends. Parents participate in School for Friends in a variety of ways, including:

Active Participation in School Committees

  • Annual Appeal: Builds the School’s funds by conducting the Annual Giving Campaign with the consultant. The campaign includes phonathon calling. December through May.
  • Children’s Fair: Coordinates the School’s annual children’s Fair, including planning, organizing, set-up, and clean-up. Spring time, leading up to May Fair.
  • Diversity: Discussions and dialogues around issues pertinent to diversity (racial/ethnic, family structure, and economic) in the School. Meets 2-3 times/year.
  • Budget/Finance: Prepares a budget for the School year. Most of the work occurs in December and January. The chair is the Board treasurer.
  • Building and Grounds: Makes sure the property needs of the School (rooms, equipment, and grounds) are in top working condition and determines priorities for routine maintenance, renovation, and improvement. Works to address physical safety concerns promptly. Each year there are specific projects for this committee.
  • Personnel: Takes on a human resources related project each year. Usually, members of this committee also help interview job candidates.
  • Auction: Directs the School’s annual auction. Starting point has varied, heaviest in the fall leading up to November auction.
  • Simple Meal: Prepares a meal after Meeting for Worship at Friends Meeting of Washington. Usually in late March.

Parents also contribute special skills or talents in other areas, such as photography, technology, and graphic design.

Service on the Board

Current parents serve on the School’s Board of Trustees.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

School for Friends teachers conduct twice-yearly parent/teacher conferences to communicate child progress and growth.

Classroom and Event Participation

Parents are welcome in the classroom and often included in daily activities. Each spring families may participate in the following parent-organized events: a simple meal with Meeting members, an International potluck dinner, and a Saturday children’s fair.