Old Application Page

Applications for September enrollment are due March 1st and admission decisions are during the month of March. The first letters go out March 15. Children are also accepted to School for Friends as space becomes available.

The School seeks to have a diverse group of children with a balance of boys and girls. Parents’ willingness to be involved in the School is considered. Preference is given to siblings, Quakers, and neighborhood families.

Parental participation in the operation of School for Friends is required. You must indicate your commitment to participate as part of the application process.


To apply to School for Friends, complete and return the application form with $60 application fee to:

School for Friends Admissions
2201 P Street NW
Washington, DC 20037

Before returning the application form, please ensure the following:

  • You have indicated your commitment to participating in the management and/or operation of School for Friends.
  • You have enclosed the $60 application fee (checks payable to School for Friends).

If you have questions or need more information, please contact Jim Clay by email or by calling 202-328-1789.