August 2016 SFF Newsletter

Director’s Report

APPRECIATION – Parents, I’m sure you have felt extra appreciative of our teachers and Clare over the past five weeks!  As they have been working in the midst of construction.  As Jeff, the Pilgrims, minister has pointed out, they have put up with a lot and kept smiles on their faces.  Thanks, Clare & Teachers.  And parents may want to say a word of thanks too.

FORMER STUDENTS BACK TO WORK – So far we have welcomed back two of our former SfF students – Tony Graham & Sophie Shore.

GOOD-BYES – Lavinia Eliot-Ozug, David Adenauer, & Kai Moreau left during July to enjoy the rest of the summer with their families before starting in new schools in the fall.

AFTER SCHOOL FOR FRIENDS – Each year we like to let you know where our students are going for school the next year.  Here’s this year’s list.  Hope it is accurate:

Ayan Adams – Ross PS
David Adenauer – British School
Isa Agostini-Quest – Tuckahoe PS (Arlington)
Noura Connor – Murch PS
Lavinia Eliot-Ozug – Mundo Verde PCS
Alaina Friedman – Francis Stevens PS
Andrew Friedman – Francis Stevens PS
Felix Goebes – Mundo Verde PCS
Allegra Howard – Peabody PS
Zion Jones – Georgetown Day
Jess Joseph-Dorfman – Lafayette PS
Astrid Latorre – Creative Minds PCS
Emilia Millar – Sheridan
Mila Montes – LAMB PCS
Kai Moreau – Murch PS
Sebastian Odenius – Tuckahoe PS
Nazzareno Rauchbauer – Adda Clevenger, San Francisco
Elly Rice – Taylor Elementary, Arlington
August Thompson – Sheridan
Iona Treskon – Marie Reed PS


Quaker House Newsletter

Hello Quaker House Families,

In our last month before we wish farewell to our kindergartens and welcome back out returning children, we have been celebrating our time together and have been sharing our experiences at SfF thus far.

We have had such a wonderful summer filled with new and different experiences. In every theme, we have incorporated a cooking/food activity, science/math, literacy, fine/gross motor  skills and activities that challenge and enhance  their cognitive skills.

We asked the QH children who are going to kindergarten what did they enjoyed the most about being a QH kid and what advice do they have for the new QH children. We also asked the returning children what they enjoyed the most as well and how they can help the new children adjust to the new QH class.

JESSIE-” I like being in this school because I’ve been in this school for a really, really long time and I’ve been in almost all the classrooms. I’m sad that I’m leaving really, really soon. I’ll miss the old QH classroom. My advice is that I hope they have fun here. There are lots of fun toys. “

ELLY- “I liked being in the QH classroom because it feels like I’m a big kid. The advice I want to tell the new kids is that there are cubbies for your extra clothes  and cubbies for your bags and things. We share cubbies, but you do get a space. “

EMILIA-“I liked being a QH kid because I liked going into the loft. The advice is you have to share and ask how many minutes if you want something the other person is having.”

SEBASTIAN-“I liked the old QH classroom because I loved the loft. In this new classroom, I love that we had the tents; that was pretty exciting. I am going to tell the new kids that there’s no biting, no pushing, no bullying and no snatching and no yanking and no rough housing. They can play with their friends and if someone says they can’t play they can find another friend or play by themselves.”

AUGUST-“I liked that the teachers are nice and I  liked playing with the pretend and real tools. Don’t be unfriendly when you are here and make friends with each other and do not argue or scream unless you are outside. Don’t be mean to each other and don’t break anything!”

CAELUM-“I like playing bad guy games and I like playing on the playground. I like playing with my other friends.  The new QH kids have to know to keep their hands to themselves and they can do anything and everything like activities  in this school.”

CYRUS-“I liked playing with the QH kids and I miss the QH classroom upstairs because it’s really fun.  I want to say welcome to the new QH kids and don’t fight over toys and play with each other, and be friends.”

Thank you,
The QH Teachers


Rainbow Room Newsletter

As the school year comes to a close, the Rainbow Room teachers reflect on our amazing experience together with the children. Thank you for entrusting your children in our care.  We are extremely grateful to be a part of their early learning experience.  We also appreciated the support that was given to us throughout this year.  During the year we have fond memories that we will always remember about the 2015-2016 class.

Noura: Her radiating confidence and fashion sense

Andrew: His contagious smile that brightens everyone’s day and his personal greetings to his peers and teachers

Mila: Her creative projects and her vast collection of stuffed animals

Cyrus: His kindness toward others and enforcer of rules

Felix: His stories about Dmitri and his curious nature

Henry: His acceptance of others and always extending invitations for friends to join any game or activity

Oliver V.: His sense of wonder and incredible memory for information and songs

Alaina: Her nurturing spirit and artistic skills

George: His willingness to take care of everyone in his class and his memory of classroom rules

Kai: His never ending energy that ignites the classroom as well as your heart

Mateo: His imagination that leads him to places around the world and transforms any space into a restaurant.

Oliver R.: His shy entrance into class and his daily updates on Emma and Emil

Aria: Her amazing negotiating skills and her sense of fairness

We wish all of the Rainbow Families the best of luck as the children transition to Quaker House or Pre-K!!!


Rainbow Room Team


Green Room Newsletter

To kick off our summer program, we started with a school picnic. Every room made a dish; we sat outside on the playground and GR Aug 16 3enjoyed the sunlight as we ate our lunch. We also went to the Mystics game. The children made jerseys and played basketball on the playground. During the month of July, we had special days; beach day, pirate day, mud day and campout/hiking.

On beach day,
we made guacamole for our friends. We got dressed in our swim clothes and went on the playground to have some fun. We played horse shoes and squirting games. For lunch, we ate food that each room made (fruit salad, chips and guacamole dip, strawberry lemonade icicles and pudding). On pirate day, the children dressed up as pirates and went on a treasure hunt. In addition, we had mud day. Leading up to mud day, the children made a bubble wrap painting, we played with clay, and made gooey slim. To continue the fun filled month, we went on a hike to Rock Creek Park. The children packed up their bags with their trail mix, water bottle and flashlights and hiked to Rock Creek Park with Quaker House.

For the upcoGR Aug 16 2ming month (August) we’ll be doing these themes:

  • Books/Movies – August 1-5: Pajama day and movie day will be at the end of the week
  • Ice! Ice! Ice!August 8-12: Ice day will be at the end of the week
  • The ArtsAugust 15-19: Art celebration will be at the end of the week
  • The CarnivalAugust 22-26: Carnival/End of the Year Fair will be at the end of the week.

As the school year comes to an end, the Green Room would like to thank all the wonderful parents for being so supportive and helping us have such an amazing year. We had a great year in the Green Room. We have had many fun-filled, interesting teaching and learning experiences. So, to close off the school year, we would like to share a few special memories that we will cherish about each child.

  • Ayan – His love of music. He is always dancing and clapping to his own beat. He loved to help clean-up especially if it involved him using the dust pan and stacking the chairs after lunch. He will always be remembered by his random “I Love You”.
  • Akil – His grand entrances into the classroom in the morning. His contagious laughter and willingness to help a friend in need.
  • Aryo – His love of dinosaurs. We learnt something new about dinosaur’s every day. He will also be remembered for his excitement when showing his friends and teachers his new shoes or shirt.
  • Andre – He will be remembered for his cuddly nature and his enthusiasm to please those around him.
  • Ferran – His super silly and fun attitude. He will also be remembered by his curiosity about his teachers family members.
  • Elli – Her quiet and nurturing spirit. She will be remembered as the teacher’s assistant – she reminds her peers about the rules.
  • Ikenna – His love for counting, saying his alphabets, reading and his love for interacting with his peers both indoors and outdoors.
  • Iona – Her super silly and fun attitude. She will always be remembered for her stories about jelly-cat.
  • Isabella – Her caring nature and taking care of the dolls in playhouse. She will also be remembered for her love of doing art.
  • Nora – Her love of sharing her stuffed animals. She will also be remembered for her very detailed description of her trip to Florida and sleep overs at grandmas.
  • Ravi – His love of cars, buses, fire trucks, dump trucks, and any type of vehicle. When the emergency vehicle (fire truck, ambulance or police car) passes by with the siren, he is one of the first children to look out the window.
  • Rohan – He will be remembered for all the cool toys he brought to share with his friends. His warm friendly personality that invited all the Green room friends to interact and play with him.
  • Teddy – We will always remember Teddy for his calm demeanor and his newly found curiosity always asking why?GR Aug 16 1

Thank you again for allowing us to be a part of your child’s first years of education. We hope you enjoy the rest of the summer and we look forward to seeing the returning families in the fall. For the families who will not return, we wish you the best in your future endeavors.


Blue Room Newsletter

It’s hard to believe that it is August and we only have a couple of weeks left together in the Blue Room. It has been wonderful watching all of the children grow throughout the year. Getting to know each child is truly a gift, and here are some things that we will always remember about each of them.

Adrian – His love for the color green, trains and hedgehogs. One of his favorite things to do was to build elaborate structures with Legos and magnatiles.

Allegra – Her love for cats, books and pretending to be various fictional characters. She loved to create stories, and was always ready to have one told to her.

Astrid – Her calm, but silly demeanor. She loved to play with the baby dolls, and to share stories about trips to New York and her family.

Ella – Her big blue eyes and bubbly, carefree personality. She was always willing to help the other children with puzzles, cleaning up and to make them feel better.

Hank – His quiet demeanor and love for sensory activities. He enjoyed being around his friends and cooking up delicious meals in playhouse.

Jackson – His curiosity of everything, willingness to always be a helper and knowledge of the classroom rules. We could always count on him for big hugs and someone to sing along with.

Julian – His outgoing personality and love for building. He loved to share his thoughts, tell us stories and create all sorts of things in the block area.

Mark – His knowledge of construction vehicles and love for block area. He enjoyed creating different types of trucks out of the gears and Legos.

Ramsey – His love for Cupcake that started on the first day of school and his curious personality. He loves to be around his friends and is always there to lend a helping hand.

Sadie – Her quiet personality and love for baby dolls. She loved to care for the babies and always loved to give Cupcake extra pets.

Serge – His silly personality and love for accessorizing. Whether it was making necklaces or putting them on to pretend to go to a party or to work, he was always ready!

Thank you all for a great year!
