News from the Head of School Thank you… Matthew Levin, Lauren Sun, Merate Kibriye, Cary Lawrence, Neeti Nair, Kathryn Hohman, Ted Goldman, Ashley McCabe, Zaid Zaid, Mary Hilari, Jason Katz,Thalia Katz, Nancy Cook, Daniella Burrell, Lyle Morton , Jane Raso, Laure-Anne Courdesse, Liz Zipse, Amy Rice. Caroline Giffon Wee, Michael Engman, Daniel Gonen, Matt Dundas,...Read More
News from the Head of School “While acting on our deepest beliefs and values, we are also open to new ideas, new solutions, and new paths. We know that our understanding at any moment is incomplete, at best an approximation of the truth that may be improved by new insights.”- American Friends Service Committee...Read More
News from the Head of School Values are building blocks of an individual. One exists with his own values that he forms as he continues his journey in life. This is why we teach our children to make good choices and strengthen their skills to differentiate right from wrong. We model how to be honest...Read More
News from the Head of School Childhood memories have a lasting impact on our lives. Growing up I remember we had friends, neighbors and family members from various ethnicities, religions and with different abilities. We would celebrate holidays like Easter, Ramadan and New Year. Birthdays were my favorite because we got to eat all sorts...Read More
News from the Head of School One of the most difficult things to teach children is “conflict resolution”. It is a crucial skill to learn and one of the most basic yet complicated ones we carry out to our adulthood. Children need to understand that conflict is part of life given the fact that every individual...Read More
News from the Head of School In the last couple of weeks, we have met with several parents in person or on the phone regarding children’s behavior. As the year progresses, children get older and they go through various phases of growth and development. This is all very natural. It is also natural for parents...Read More
News from the Head of School Do you have a New Year resolution? For many years, I came up with a couple of them only to remember that it is hard to break old habits and develop new ones. This reality pushed me away from making resolutions for “new year” but reminded me to find...Read More
News from the Head of School November was a busy month. Parent-teacher conferences have started full speed ahead. Jackie, Magy, Yasmine, Makai, Sabina and I attended NAEYC Conference in Atlanta and now we are getting ready for more conferences with holidays upon us. This has always been a great time of the year for me....Read More
News from the Head of School In the month of October… Treasure, Patti, Wesley, Yasmine and I attended the Educators New to Quakerism Workshop proved by Friends Council on Education. We explored the Quaker identity of our school and we were engaged in deep conversations and thought provoking dialogues about the Quaker history, testimonies (SPICES)...Read More
News from the Head of School Back to School Night was a huge success. We thank all of our families who were able to join us. The highlight of the night was surely the hands-on activities families were participating while sitting on the floor or the tiny chairs. Colorful rice, baby doll circle time and...Read More